I’ve hit a pretty big goal with the completion of Ironman. For many people, completing a goal race is such a big deal there’s nothing past that. That can be very dangerous! All of the work you put in making it to that goal can quickly be lost if you stop training after the race is over. I find the best way to avoid something like this is to have another race planned and ready so that there isn’t a reason to take a break. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy but make it something you’ll look forward to and you won’t be tempted to give up all the conditioning you just gave your body by taking up the sport of Channel Surfing.

So I have a couple good ones planned next. First up will be the XTerra Trail Running World Championship.  This is a 21k race that I discovered you don’t actually have to qualify for.  So I could win the world championship!  Actually not falling off a mountain will be a good start. Then my next big race is the Miami Marathon in January. I posted my best time a year ago but I’m hoping with some more speed work and maybe better pacing I can get under 4:15 this time.

The race calendar is filling up pretty quick for 2015!

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By Codefox

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