So I wasn’t really planning to run yesterday during national running day.  It was my off day for running.  I did 45 minutes at the pool and then in the afternoon after work I was planning to do a bike ride.  I figured that was enough.  But then I realized that my new tri singlet was still untested and I really wanted to ride & run in it at least one time before my next race to see how it felt.  On went the singlet, which looks pretty ridiculous I think, and off to Flatwoods I went with bike and running shoes in tow!  The ride itself was actually pretty mediocre.  I don’t know why but I’ve really struggled with the biking since I picked it back up.  Usually I average around 17.5 mph but yesterday I managed 16.7 which is just horrible.  I have been going pretty hard for a few weeks so I probably need an off day here soon (such as today while Tropical Storm Andrea blows through).

After I hopped off the bike I decided to go for a mile run.  I really just wanted to see how running felt in the singlet and get in my NRD run.  The run itself was actually great.  Its funny because it felt REALLY weird.  I don’t do brick workouts very often and the only time I’ve done an actual bike to a run was during my first tri.  Other than that its been only spinning to the treadmill which is similar but still not quite the same.  But even with how weird my legs felt I still did a decent mile.  I didn’t set any land speed records but considering how much stuff I did yesterday, I’ll take a mile at a 9:30 pace!  If I can do that for the tri I have in a month I’ll be quite pleased with that.


(Despite it saying KM, that is actually miles…thanks Polar)

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By Codefox

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