Working on Hydration
This is probably going to be my biggest off season project summer project. Between fixing my swimming and trying to improve my hot weather performance, this is where I can…
This is probably going to be my biggest off season project summer project. Between fixing my swimming and trying to improve my hot weather performance, this is where I can…
Off-season? What off-season? I think a lot of us are not always that great about managing our seasons, especially in the south where it’s easy to train hard year round.…
Everyone loves a good deal. I’m also easily influenced by my training partners to sign up for races. Combine these two things together and…well, you end up with two marathons…
During my Ironman training, I spent a lot of time on nutrition. In the summer heat, I was losing fluid rapidly and it became important to have some sort of…
Has it really been two months since IMFL already? I’m already on my 2nd race since then! I keep my race schedule busy since I know I would slack off…